"La maldición de los números" OoO!

Dec 28, 2009 20:52

... or or how digital clocks scare me >.<

really, this is beyond normal probabilities, so weird that is becoming suspicious ¬¬ *twilight zone music*

this is the fact:
90% of times I look at a digital clock it is showing an hour like 3:33, 4:44 or something like that @.@... I even show it  to my mom everytime it happens! and today I freaked out in the morning when I was all relaxed enjoying my summer vacations and asked my mom the time.... she said "I don't know" so I looked at the clock near her (she uses glasses so she can't see very well without them) and there it was! and my reaction: "OMG! look, looooook!!! it's 11:11 am!!!!" XD she just laughed and said something like "it always happens to you! how can you do that?" cuz just yesterday I said "loooook! 5:55 pm".
I think it always happened, but it was just like 70% of the times.... but lately is getting annoying! anyway, I'm glad the hours only have 60 minutes so at least the 6pm/am doesn't scare me! XD THAT would be creepy :P

oh my! this is just one of the many "Kirie's weird paranormal experiences" XDDD expect more as soon as I remember them ^^  (even thought this wasn't thaaat expectacular :P but trust me, when it happens every single day it starts to bother... more when you just had statistics class last semester XD)

well, at least  my family is pretty open minded to that... they all like the supernatural stuff and my mom and dad even took some classes about that when they were young (my dad can do astral travels! :D) it's just pretty natural to me to talk about ghosts, ufos and everything ^^

paranormal experiences

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