Somebody asked about your all time favorite anime character...

Nov 20, 2022 19:22

hmm, if you ask me about my favorite characters of all time, my instant answer is Katsuragi from Blue Morning but he's from a manga. Anime would be Kujo Tenn and novel would be Kunieda Kei from Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka... but truth is I love and admire all 3 to the same level!
The three of them are very smart, very professional, complex and with a lot of layers that end up making them grey characters. They're also in complicated situations too!

I wish people could get to know Kunieda Kei beyond the anime version, the second book is amazing at showing his existencial crisis and the self-pressure he feels to be perfect just because he landed the dream job of many without being his dream at all. You might think he's self-centered and egoist or whatever but that is just his external image, he wouldn't suffer that much if he didn't care about "stealing" the dream job of somebody. I wonder if he goes through a proactive imposter syndrome? he truly thinks he shouldn't be there but he works extra hard to demonstrate that he's worthy of that position. It's quite complicated.

Special mention to Ji Jushi from the danmei Mist! one re-read and he'll fully go into this list since he shares all the traits the other three have! If I don't add him now it's because we couldn't get to know him more personaly, he kept his thoughts and emotions to himself. He's the protagonist but, in the end, we got know Song Qinlan a lot more than him *shrugs*

Note to my future self: write that damn review of Mist!!! stop being lazy and write as you used to do it!!!

light novels, anime, manga

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