Oct 16, 2010 14:15
Okay, So I read my first post on here and couldn't help but be a little surprised at how many things changed since that time. There are lots of differences in me now from me then, but I kinda posted it, just to share something that shocked me still when I realized it:
I wrote that I have aversion to tall people and that was always true. Even when I was a kid (and I was very short and scrawny kid) I hated people taller than me. It was a reason why I had few friends and didn't talk to my cousin until I was more or less her height. In middle school and later that went on a little smaller scale 'cause I started maturing and noticing that beside some taller people I look actually good and not pathetic something. And then came recent year and my obsession with Supernatural. I think Jared healed me from my aversion. I adore him so much that I not only didn't really noticed that he is so much taller than me but when I did I liked it very, very much. And it's not only him. Now I don't mind anyone being even super tall. I've never known that he had magical healing powers that worked over distance, but Good God, he is good.
Yeah, now that I'm done being crazy, I'll go and wait quietly for 6.04 to upload itself on my computer.
Bye, bye =)
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