"Crowns and plumbers"

Mar 28, 2012 18:46

Title: Crowns and plumbers
Fandom: X-Men: First Class, Mario Kart, Mario
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Genre: Alternate Universe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 542
Summary: Charles is Mario, Erik is Peach.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, least of all copyright to these guys.
Author's note: Fill for au_bingo for the prompt "Video Game". I'm sorry, I really didn't have any other ideas for this fill.

Erik stands before the full body mirror in one of the back rooms when Charles finds him. He’s too busy trying to straighten up the crown that stubbornly stays crooked. Charles personally finds it awfully charming, but the last time he said so, Erik went to sleep on the couch and didn’t speak to either him or Raven until he needed rescue from Shaw again. One would think that the old reptile would finally get a clue that the young Prince is not interested.
He moves swiftly and unnoticed slinks behind his beloved, holding the man from behind, marveling at the weight loss. Erik is always thinner after a spell of kidnapping and Charles spends weeks bringing him back to healthy weight with home cooked spaghetti and pizza. He also notes it under one more reason why Shaw should be hated with passion by everyone and their mothers.

Erik startles, but then relaxes into embrace when he recognizes Charles standing behind him. He straightens up his pink dress and turns around to return it, only to reel back in shock upon seeing his lover’s face.

“Dear God, Charles, what happened to your face?” He asks reaching out tentative hand and caressing the smooth skin. Then he takes off his glove and does it again, just to make sure that he’s not hallucinating. It happened before.

“You said yourself that it would be better like that.” He pouts, trying not to miss his old look. It was a very long and very loud argument that they had every other month or so, so he hoped Erik’s reaction would be a little more enthusiastic.

“It is.” Erik says starting to grin finally. “You finally don’t look like an old porn star.” And then the man is kissing him and it is a little nicer like this, without anything obscuring his face so he can feel every breath of Erik’s on his skin.

He leans back for a moment and looks at his beautiful Prince in his get-up and decides that maybe they can skip a race just this time, there’s so much more drivers available. Raven will be overjoyed with a chance to drive Charles’ red car anyway.

He doesn’t have time to think about anything anymore, because Erik bends down to kiss him again, damn the height difference, Charles is always left feeling awfully tiny. But then Erik heists him up a little and he’s sitting on the make-up counter, being a little higher than his lover now. He cups the lovely face of his Prince and brushes his thumbs over sharp cheekbones, his gloves coming away absolutely clean. He doesn’t even know why they keep leaving all this painting stuff for Erik when it’s obvious the man doesn’t use it ever.

He leans back for a moment, pulling his gloves and hat off, which Erik takes as a cue to put his bare fingers in his hair, and Charles can’t complain about it because it feels really good. Before the buttons on his overalls undo themselves just by Erik’s will alone he has a time to knock the offending crown from his lover’s blond locks. It’s not like Erik needs it for everyone to know who he is.

He’s royal like that.

fandom: x-men, form: fanfiction, challenge: bingo - au

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