Feb 18, 2008 16:47
Today is a good Day and I don't know why. It has nothing to do with the fact that I turned 26 two days ago.... bleh, aging.
Not much to do with work... other than I got an interesting explanation for once of why we're doing the tests we do and that there will be many more tests to come. XDDD More tests means I will hopefully get hired on in October when my temp contract is up! Yay me!!! I like my job too. I run tests in a nice, mostly quiet lab room and read books and magazines all day. And occassionally talk to coworkers about stuff for a project or other people in the lunchroom. Good job. Want to keep.
Chiropractor therapy going well. Started traction on my neck last week and haven't had a killer migraine since! XD MMmmm... I love not being in pain.
Still looking for a new car. Decided I want a Toyota Matrix or a Honda Fit. Would like a slightly used one, but there AREN'T any! Because people like them so much that they don't get traded in. So might be buying a new one from the Toyata dealership. And new cars come with spiffy warrenty and maintainence options.
I borrowed Sims2 and some expansion packs from my family to install. I'm going to make Tenipuri characters and stick them in dorms! or frat houses. As soon as I figure out how to get to the campus setting. I made an teenage Atobe last night and a mom for him and need to move them into a house yet. Going to make a Nanjirou and Ryoma for another household. This and RPing will eat up my evenings.
The writers strike is over! Yay for new TV! Not like I watch much, I just want to be ABLE to watch good stuff. Like Supernatural, and Torchwood, and House... all of which I'm a season behind on. But! I have watched the first Supernatural season on DVD and it is like new hot brother Buffy-ness show. Got the House first season recently because so many people I know rave about it.
So... I guess things are going pretty well for me right now and LIFE IS GOOD! ^_^ XD <3 !!!!!! It's good to be happy and not the almost blah state I was in for awhile.