(no subject)

May 04, 2010 14:00

I watched an HBO movie last night called Temple Grandin. It's been on my DVR for two months and I finally made time to see it. The movie was really good and was about an autistic woman who went through university in the seventies and her difficulties in understanding other people. She made her thesis on animal handling and humane ranching. Claire Danes was so good.

Somehow I also watched Piano no Mori last night. I DLed it last week and it was a really cute movie. Lots of classical music and themes of friendship and loss and expectations. It was so full of pretty.

I'm really thinking about giving in and buying a PS3 next week. So many games I want to play. Asassin's Creed, FFXIII, Dragon Age. I haven't played much in the way of console games lately. Need to fix this.

games, movie

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