(no subject)

Jun 02, 2008 11:59

Saturday night in chat we were talking about how fetal genitalia develop. Don't ask me why, I have no idea how the conversation started. I mentioned that sometimes hormones don't work right during development, so sometime, very rarely, but sometimes there are girls that have XY genes because the male gene never kicks in. Female is the default genetic mode until testosterone kicks in at a certain time for boys. There are children born with indeterminate genitalia too.

Anyway, last night Aaron, Ari and I were watching House episodes and that very thing happened! A teen supermodel girl who was genetically XY came in and had a tumor on her ovary/testes. It took them a while to figure out what was going on with her. Obviously, she'd be sterile. No eggs = no ovulation = no periods ever.... that might be nice.

I played a lot of Silver Chaos yesterday. A BL Japanese computer game that has an English patch to download. I've gotten about twelve different endings so far. Happily, there's a skip option that fast forwards you to the multiple choice decisions so you can choose your path. I'm working on a map so I can get all the possible endings. My first game demons took over the world; second ending everyone died. I went for the bad ones first. Now I'm going for all the possible pairings you can get. Some of them... are disturbing. There's a tentacle monster down a certain path... >>;;;

Tomorrow I'm going to buy zoo tickets so my parents, my lil bro Matt, and I can go next Sunday. He'll love that.

I found out that my sister Yasmine lost her baby a few months ago. :( I think she would have been in her second trimester. It's sad, but it's almost a good thing. There's no way she can take care of a kid. She's barely taking care of herself, moving between different friend's houses since she ran off and not holding down a job. I'm worried about her and she's not keeping in contact with anyone. My parents just heard about it this weekend from my sister Zakiyyah and it happened a few months ago.

Gotta go back to work. Later.

family, zoo, silver chaos

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