Some pictures!

Feb 13, 2010 13:08

Man, long time no photos!

I've been busy, but it showed today [just in time for the Olympics! Is anyone else excited about them?] so I decided to take a break to take some quick shots.

man he looks so tiny! xD

Tarkan's first nose dive. xD The best part? I had literally just said to my mum "man, they're so stable! ♥" and then, plunk; down he does. Oh Tarkan~ [Arlene never even wobbled, though.]

I had to take a break here to dry him off and wipe off all the snow. xD The good news; faceups can survive snow!

Everyone back home. =w= This is how I carried them out there, as mum only came out half way into it to watch, so I had to lug everyone out there on my own. Laundry baskets are a pretty good way to do it, I've found! :D

arlene, kris, tarkan, satsuki

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