Update of DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And cookies.)

Aug 19, 2012 00:36

Whoof, been a while since I updated this thing. Um, quick drive-by highlights from the last *eyes journal* eight months or so? Geez.

- I have been at my awesome, amazing job for a little over a year now and I still love it. I like the work we do, I have developed a good rapport with all of our clients whose cases I'm managing (of which there are about 17), my coworkers rock, and my boss is supportive and understanding while still expecting a lot from me.

- I broke my car less than a week after buying her, but after replacing the engine (yikes!), she's been running great. In addition to the daily commute, she's done a number of longer trips, including out to Quincy (in the Sierras) in June and up to southern Oregon in July. (Yes, my car is a she. Her name is Omen.)

- As I mentioned earlier this year, my boss took us on a Caribbean cruise at the end of January/beginning of February. We got on the ship in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and over the next week, stopped for a day each in Saint Croix, Antigua, San Martin/Sint Maarten, Saint Lucia, and Barbados. I kayaked, snorkeled with stingrays and sea turtles, biked, and saw a volcano. I explored a little bit of each island with various members of our party. I got all dressed up and formal for dinner. We got VIP treatment and our tables were by the windows. I got an awesome massage. I came home sick, but the trade-off was totally worth it. And yes, there are pictures.

- The Saturday of Beltane was my 29th birthday and my awesome Laurel of amazingness made dinner for the two of us, my mom, and one of my friends. It was delicious. That dinner and the Sunday morning live chess game (I got to be the white queen) were the highlights of the event for me. Being Greencloak was definitely not, due to a shortage of heralds and my failing to delegate as much as I needed to. June Crown and West/AnTir were much, much better.

- I wrote a triolet earlier this week, just to try out the form. As to the content, I blame a book I read recently.

The Pegasus and the Unicorn
Are servants of the Faerie Queen,
And gladly to her service sworn,
The Pegasus and the Unicorn.
Now, as when the world was born,
They keep her forest bright and green:
The Pegasus and the Unicorn
Are servants of the Faerie Queen.

I will write more of these, I think. It's a compact little form, and only five lines need to be written.

Ok, it is now bedtime.

not dead, sca, job, car, travel, birthday, my laurel is so cool!, poetry

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