In which I live! *cough, hack* ...Mostly.

Feb 09, 2012 15:11

Dear LJ-SCA hive-mind,

I have a request.

I was really, really looking forward to the Culinary Symposium this weekend. Unfortunately, I brought home a nasty cold from the Caribbean cruise I was on last week (more on that later - suffice it to say that I have the best boss ever), and as I am still in "cough-hack-wheeze" mode, I can't go to the Symposium. :(

Because I would hate to have my spot unfilled when it's reserved and paid for, I'm going to be transferring it to a college student who is brand new to the SCA, really, really interested in food and cooking and desperately wants to go. Being as she is so very new, though, she is nervous about not knowing anybody at the Symposium.

This brings me to my request: Are any of you folks who will be going to the Symposium willing and able to be a friendly face for a very new person at her first event? I'd hate to have her decide not to go and miss this fabulous opportunity because of not knowing anyone. Please let me know if you can be a guide or friendly face.

Thanks much,


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