In which I've been employed for a whole week! (Also, John McWhorter is brilliant)

Aug 04, 2011 22:57

Today made my first full week at my new job, as I started last Thursday afternoon. I have been hired on full time as a legal assistant at Abronson Law Offices (for you SCA folks, that's Sir Colin's office). It's a small office specializing in personal injury complaints, and we get to be the good guys. It's been a good week and I'm learning my way around what needs doing pretty quickly. General consensus is that hiring me was a Very Good Idea(tm), which is gratifying. Of course, it really helps that I went into this already being friends with most of the office: out of the six other employees, there were only two I didn't know. Hmm, that makes me Lucky #7, then, doesn't it? *grin* So yeah, I'm liking the new job pretty well, even when I spend the better part of the day trying to tease a client's medical expenses out of incomplete billing records so I can compile them and calculate the total, and end up wanting to pound my face into the files. (That was today.) After all, my co-workers are great, the atmosphere is friendly, and my boss is awesome and bought us gelato today because it was just that kind of a week.

The commute isn't too bad, either. Until I get a car (which I can actually do responsibly now! yay!), I am taking the light rail and the bus. It's about an hour trip door-to-door each way, 20 minutes of which is walking between my house and the nearest light rail station. I also get reading time, which is always good; I am currently chewing my way through John McWhorter's Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English and loving every page of it. I'm about half way through chapter five, nearly finished, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be tracking down more of McWhorter's books.

On a mostly unrelated note, I'm definitely going to Purg in three weeks and I need to replace my tent before then because I busted the rain fly at June Crown. The tent served me long and well, but it was already starting to show its age in other places and the rain fly really was just the final push. I'm pretty sure we got it when I was about 14, so I've had it half my life. Also, I need to figure out how I'm getting there. Why is it in Quincy, again?

happiness, sca, job

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