In which I need a more cheerful top post and decide to subject you all to fandom crack at 2AM

Jan 15, 2011 02:06

Warning: Naru-tarded crack ahead! (Also, Gai-sensei is his own warning. ^___^ <3)

So, a phrase has been popping into and out of my head for the last year or two (I can't remember for sure), making me giggle like a spider monkey on laughing gas, or maybe a stoned hamster. I have loud green obnoxious insane amounts of love for Gai-sensei, which probably explains a) a lot about me, and b) where this phrase came from. (Also, I can apparently channel him scarily well... ^___^)

"The Power of Youth compels you! The Power of Youth compels you!"

Earlier this evening, it spawned. Budded. Expanded. Whatever. Anyway, I now have a full-fledged concept that is full of crack and squee. Maito Gai: Exorcist!

Whether anything ever comes of this remains to be seen. I just felt the urge to inflict it upon share it with you guys. Because I'm nice like that.

The fact that it's 2AM can't be helping, either.

naruto, amusement, silliness, fandom

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