[fanfic] Cold Shower

Mar 24, 2006 09:39

So, I got bit by a plot bunny this morning and started a new series of drabbles. The premise? The Gundam Wing pilots have been having anime marathons, and now it's starting to affect their dreams. I started with Wufei. I am highly entertained.

Wufei POV, 5+2

Cold Shower

The bathroom door shuts behind me and I lean against it, letting my head tip back as I give fervent thanks to my ancestors for allowing me the most perfect sight in the world. Duo Maxwell, naked as the day he was born, bending over to pick up the towel he’d just dropped. Sweet ancestors, but the man has the most perfect ass in all creation, and I want him in the worst way. The worst, most wicked, most delicious way…

I swallow thickly and halt my train of thought. I’m so hard it’s a wonder I haven’t torn through my pants. I slow my breathing, trying to get my body back under control. I need a cold shower. Badly. Now.

I strip, quickly, and take my hair out of its tail. Stepping into the shower, I turn the water as cold as it will go and lean my hand against the wall. The shock of the freezing spray hits me, and I am glad for the bracing hand as I nearly pitch forward at a sudden shift in my body’s center of balance. Eyes shut tight against the pounding water, I assess the changes.

My center has shifted a bit downward, toward my hips, and there’s suddenly much more weight in my chest area. I’m also…shorter? Odd. I feel far too calm about this, but can’t quite summon up a proper panic. Then I shift and realize that something very important is missing. Oh, sweet merciful ancestors, no.

My eyes snap open. I am greeted by wet, red hair hanging in my face. Another change. I glance down. My chest now sports a pair of fairly sizeable breasts. I stare at them stupidly for a moment before it registers. I’ve been turned into a woman.

I scream and bolt straight upright, breathing hard. The room is dark, just a finger of moonlight creeping across my floor. My hand goes immediately to my crotch, checking. Everything is as it should be. With a sigh of relief, I collapse back onto my pillow. I am a man. And I am never, ever letting Maxwell choose the anime again.

gundam wing, fanfic

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