In which I catch "Lynsanity" and decide to participate in Prose Week (also, silliness)

Oct 11, 2010 16:09

What had she been thinking? Oh, wait, she hadn't been: she was just blithely following finem's steps where the sane fear to tread. Ah, well, at least it was usually fun and the results had yet to cause any lasting damage. To anyone else, at least.

Prose Week. She turned the idea around in her mind for a moment, no longer bothering to wonder how she'd gotten herself into this, and smiled. Yes, she decided, this was going to be fun. Doubtless, it would be good for her, as well: it had been far too long since she'd written any prose, save for a single piece of insanity that her brain had spat out a few weeks previously. Had it really been over a year since she'd managed any other prose? She paused to think, to calculate. Yes, I guess it really has been, she decided. The last piece had been written, when, last September? Following an impulse, she pulled up the site and checked the post date. Last August. Yes, far too long.

With a laugh, she remembered suddenly what had initially brought her over to her journal today: a Facebook "Graffiti" doodle from back in April, after redwolfgirl's wedding. It was completely silly and she was far more amused by it than she probably should be, but she had just rediscovered it on her Facebook page and had thought to share it with her unsuspecting friends-list. Grinning, she copied and pasted the code to embed it, and hoped it would make at least some of them giggle.

Her stomach growled then, reminding her that she hadn't actually remembered to eat yet today. This was getting to be a bad habit. With a sigh, she decided to end the entry there and go feed the snarling beast before it wrapped around her spine and began to digest it.

writing, silliness, lynsanity, prose week

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