I liiiiive!

Oct 28, 2009 11:33

Ha HA! The long wait is over! I have a functional computer (thanks, Joseph!) and an internet connection! So, what the heck have I been up to this past month and a half, anyway? I'm not going to go into detail on anything (ask if you really want to know), but here are some highlights:

-finished moving down to San Jose and am learning my way around

-working at Borders and getting paid to be around books

-got Greg involved in the SCA: he's been to two events and is totally hooked (wants to do brewing, woodworking and voice heralding), plus I made him tunics

-saw Tom at October Crown (and got computer from him); also saw Janos go to finals (go, Janos!) and then get his Pelican

-competed in Mists Bardic and came within a hair's breadth of winning: finished my Cantiga project and wrote a new rondeau redoublé, both of which got a lot of positive feedback and which I will be posting later

-joined the Treble Makers and am enjoying myself thoroughly

-went up to Allyshia (Humboldt County) for Harvest Feast, which was delicious and fun, and added to my guard and to my court; also set a challenge to my guard to write a piece in a period style on the subject of their choice by Lupe

-reread a bunch of Mercedes Lackey

work, moving, sca, life, tom

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