Eh heh heh...

Aug 13, 2009 20:27

Learning experiences taste... interesting. Actually, it wasn't as bad this time around as it could have been. I decided to try making curried veggies. Normally, not a problem, but I had the brilliant idea to do a yogurt sauce and cheerfully dumped the yogurt into the hot pan with the veggies where it promptly curdled. Oops. I also put in the onions too soon and the carrots didn't go in soon enough. *sigh* As I said, though, it didn't taste too bad. Just a tad, um, odd.

On a completely unrelated subject, I finally got back to dance practice last night, which was a ton of fun. I hadn't been since the Wednesday before Crown. Old Mole is definitely a fun dance, as is Alta Regina.

Oh, and I seem to have found my errant muse, at least for the time being. The current prompt word in the poetry exercise thread I frequent is "cinnamon," which yielded this:

Apple Butter Season

Crisp wind in my hair, redolent
with cinnamon-spiked apples,
invokes the ghosts of wind-rosy cheeks
and frost-nipped noses that tingled
with returning warmth, of glove-thick fingers
that dropped as many apples as they picked,
perched in the gnarled Pippin tree behind the house,
of hands juice-slick from peeling and coring, and aching arms
that stirred the giant, bubbling pot on the stove for hours
in the heavy, fragrant heat of my grandmother's
autumn kitchen.

cooking, sca, poetry, dance

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