[Original Fic] "Truth"

Apr 11, 2009 16:19

Here's the latest in the drabble-game series. Finally, we get to meet Luc, John's best friend. Luc and John are in their early twenties here. Luc is from Quebec - apologies to anyone who actually speaks Quebec French (I don't).

Luc has a personal crisis. 200 words, prompt: mistake.

“John?” The voice on the phone was barely there, raspy and laced with desperation. If not for the familiar name and number on his caller ID, John would never have connected this broken-sounding voice with his confident and self-possessed best friend. He was awake instantly, a cold shiver of dread running down his spine.

“Luc? Luc, is that you? My god, what’s wrong?”

“I- He-” Luc’s voice hitched and a choked sob sounded down the line. “Mon sacrament de ciboire de crisse maudit, je ne sais pas!”

French. This was bad.

“Luc, listen to me. I want you to sit down on the couch and take deep breaths for me. Don’t go anywhere. Don’t do anything. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

John didn’t know how he made the ten-minute drive across campus in half the time, but five minutes later, he was opening Luc’s door. The sight of his best friend sitting on the couch, crying into a pillow, had him across the room in a heartbeat.

“Luc? Talk to me,” he pleaded, kneeling on the floor. “What happened?”

Luc drew a shaky breath and a reddened gaze met John’s, looking very young and very scared. “I kissed him.”

writing, mmlj, original

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