oh, boy

Dec 13, 2008 16:32

Guess what? Our landlord is trying to sell our house, so it looks like we're probably going to have to move. Joy. There's not a lot of places open that a) have 3 bedrooms and b) allow cats (of which our household now collectively has two). We looked at a 3br apartment over a glass company today. I am lukewarm at best about it, though I have to admit that anti-mold paint, mostly double-glazed windows, carpet and ease of heating are major pluses. But the bedrooms are all smaller (with small closets), the kitchen and bathroom are pretty tiny (especially the kitchen), there's not terribly much space in general, we'd be paying an extra $25 for each of the cats, and I'm just not particularly enthused about it. I don't really know if I would actually want to live there. There's a 3br art deco house that I'd like to look at, but I don't think we've heard back from them yet.

It's raining today, and I think it hailed earlier and possibly last night. After the earlier unseasonably warm weather, it's finally acting like December.


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