I should be packing...

Aug 15, 2008 22:04

We had a power outage completely out of the blue this afternoon, and it just came on again about 15 minutes ago. Now, I both like and dislike power outages and I've decided, in my infinite wisdom, to make a list of the pros and cons of power outages instead of working on packing my clothes to go back to school.

1. Dinner by candlelight. Or just candlelight in general, because it rocks. I love the way people look in its glow.

2. No computer. Now, why is this on the pro list? Because I spend far too much of my time glued to the infernal thing, and power outages take me away from it so I'll actually do all the other things I love to do.

3. Matches. Because I like them.

4. Flashlights. Come on, you can't tell me you've never played with a flashlight before. *does spooky light-under-chin face* XD

1. No power. Duh. But really, who thinks of all the little things we do that depend on electricity until there's an outage? Lighting a gas stove, for instance: usually, there's this little electric(!!!) sparker that lights it, but during an outage, you have to use a match.

2. No computer. Yes, it's on the con list, too. I love my computer, and it helps me keep in touch with a lot of people. Plus, it's one of the ways I entertain myself: art, poetry, music, writing, web-surfing, reading, chatting, Gaia, y!Gallery.

3. No light. Well, there's flashlights and candles and lanterns, but that's not good enough to, say, draw by.

4. No digital clocks. Plus, they do that annoying flashing-time thing when the power goes back on. Fortunately, we've got a couple of battery-run analog clocks.

5. Opening the garage door by hand. DX

6. No electrical appliances. Like washing machines. And refrigerators.

7. No warning.

I'll stop there. That should give you some idea of how I spent the evening.

Also! I'm meeting up with the lovely finem tomorrow, and I'm so excited to see her again! *bounces*

Okay, back to packing.


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