the house, I haz it to myself

Jul 14, 2008 22:39

So, the rest of my family left yesterday afternoon for family camp. I've got the house to myself for a couple of days before I leave. I'm leaving for Fresno on Wednesday and will be sans internet for the following two weeks. I will have my cell phone with me, but that'll probably only work while I'm in Washington. Yeah, I'm going from Fresno to Riggins, ID, then up to Lewiston to meet up with a cousin to go to Bellingham, WA, then to Orcas Island for a family reunion and wedding, then to Seattle to see more family (and hopefully an old friend of mine), then finally home. Whew.

I used this morning and early afternoon to finish the art I was working on for finem. She is writing an awesome Kingdom Hearts fic (that dragged me into the fandom to some extent), and the latest chapter has this awesome-sexy fire dance scene that I just had to draw. Go check my dA to see it. I'm too lazy to put up a link now. XP

On a completely different topic, I need to send Will a postcard or letter soon, before I leave. I got two from him that he picked up at the airport in Leipzig, Germany, when he was en route to Iraq. I hope he's okay. I'm glad he got the chance to send me his mailing address.

Oh, and I had a dentist appointment on Friday, and I drove there! Made it in one piece, too. *grins* I iz learning.

travel, art, driving, tom

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