Sep 12, 2006 20:10
Alright, so, dumbass kid who wrote a bomb threat in the boy's bathroom on 9/11?
You're going to get arrested. And people want to bash you over the head for sticking us in the cafeteria for two hours with nothing to do (except play "Catch the Invisible Ball" and "Invisible Uno", the former of which we got a good half of the seniors to participate, but that's besides the point). Sadly, it's probably one of you freshmen, because if any of the seniors had written it they would have had the three years prior to do so. And we'd have a good idea which dumbass would try so, and harass them, anyways. We're organized like that.
Did I mention you're going to get arrested? Yeah. Try getting a job with your record, once they find you.
In other news, there's a bovine artificial insemination demonstration on Thursday, which I am geekily looking forwards to, and we've started to clean out the runways for the hydroponics lab. Still had oil in the fish tank from the pump accident last year. >.o ew. We also teased Mr. Grace about why he would need to go looking around the classroom storage cabinets for an artificial vagina. Good times.
I should probably go and find Corinne's pants' kneepad that she lost in the thicket during Nicole's party, except it's really dark and cold out. And I get a kick out of seeing people's faces when I tell Corinne "Well it's not my fault you lost your pants at MY house!" in a loud voice in the middle of class.
...On the other hand, I'm really sick of Corinne forgetting her pants whenever she sleeps over. Or forgetting her tropical-plant-in-a-log. And then there was that "Holographic mouse" incident...
But applepicking on Oct. the 6th and 7th! Yay~