Jul 17, 2006 17:44
Okay weekend, I suppose. Brothers kidnapped my laptop all friday night and saturday, and on saturday night we went to see PoTC2 (my second time this month, but whatever, I'll roll with it). Nothing new, really, 'cept I slept in the den instead of the living room (too hot x.x) and played Luigi's Mansion for the first time in whatever.
Yesterday, went over Michealla's (sophomore... now junior? I is lost.) by taking the train with the bro, for her birthday. She has a twin, Micheal, and oh god her brother is a technogeek, but in a good way. Because he installed harddrives in their PS2s, and downloaded the third Naruto game for the PS2 (the one still in Japan) on it, and it is so goddamn fun. x.x Sure, I had no idea what I was doing because I can't read japanese, but who does on a fighting game, anyways, without playing through it a few times first? And Chouji in that game? Wins.
Can I help picking favorites if butterfly!Chouji is pretty?
Had fun mutilating a spongebob Pinata, and we set up strobe lights/black lights/bubble machines/glow sticks in her kitchen and Mike, again the technogod he is, hooked up the TV to his computer along with the 3000-or-so songs and custom announcers he has. XD I suck, so much, after not playing that game for so long, but it was fun anyways.
And they had chili dogs. For the win.
So, yeaaah... first time since Thursday night I've had any internet access (save for those five minutes from Michealla's comp to Jun!post on Shades, since I'd written the tag Friday afternoon and saved it on my memory stick). Go me? >.>
And, why, yes, the dog got even bigger. >.o
Also: Yotsuba/Tsune'sOlderSister for the crack win!