May 08, 2009 15:42
I'm not dead yet. That's always a real accomplishment, this time of year.
Doing a bunch of tiny chapter header illustrations for Cornelia Flunke's The Thief Lord as an illustration final, because all of the eyecatches that they have in it are just stock etchings/venice landscapes that don't really tell the story. If they're good enough when I'm done, I might send copies to the author, I dunno. Either way it gives me good reason to reread/do fanart for one of my favorite writers.
Tonight is test studying and essays for Humanities, and probably getting at least the pencils of all my illustrations done. 24 hour Hardie building access weekend again~!
Finally going home to see my puppies again on sunday. Omfg can't wait. *A* Oh, right, and I get to see my mom, too. You know, Mother's Day and all.
...but PUPPIES.