Totally meant to actually be online and do some homework last night, except I came home around 5, played pokemon for ten minutes, and then decided to take a nap. Phone died, so my alarm didn't go off, so I woke up at 6 am today all "Oh, wow, I must've only been for asleep for an hour! Look how light it is out! :DD"
Yeahno. I'm making up for it by drowning my sorrows in sweet potato homefries for brunch.
On the bright side, Mark showed us this band Passion Pit because of this nifty ripped-photo animation they use in a music video of theirs, and now I love this band. *A*
Click to view
Totally loving The Reeling and Better Things. I should probably, you know, look for their actual CD so I'm not stuck with the handful of songs limewire has.
Aaand you can download a few songs by them here: Things to do today:
+ Shopping for glue/thread/fun collage stuff
+ Mixed media editorial Illustration for tuesday
+ Make cookies?
+ Heather's housewarming party/bonfire at 8
+ Catch up at Michelle's and the Hardie building with peoples.
24 hour access at Hardie this weekend. I should totally chill there FOREVER this weekend. You know, considering I already completely messed up my sleep schedule. whooops~