"Come. Join our circle of 'tard."

Aug 28, 2008 09:19

I planned on sleeping late today because I don't have class until after noontime, but I just got up at 7am, anyways. D:

First day of class was yesterday - my art history teacher this year is so freaking boring and monotone, especially after having Cloutier-Blazzard all last year. But! His tests and essays are easy, so I guess I'll just float through that class like I will my science class (the textbook for that class is the same one I used in 9th grade, and apparently the teacher doesn't even use it or care if we have it, so that saves me $80). However, my painting teacher Thorpe is awesome: he's this little old man, stooped over and barely 5 feet, nearly deaf, refuses to swear so he comes up with creative little alternatives, and is turning the class into a part-painting, part-observational drawing, part-psychology lecture. Apparently we all have "strong abstract vision"; I knew there was a reason I took that class instead of realism. >>

Stopped by dad's a few days ago. He had surgery for his knee, and Chris had already left for SUNY a few days earlier. D: I need to call him later on today, since the jerk didn't even message me on facebook (I wouldn't have gotten it anyways until today).



Life Drawing II, 8:30 - 11:10, Tim Harney
Painting II: Nature Abstraction, 12:30 - 3:10, Thorpe Feldt
Art Since 1945, 3:30 - 4:45, Shawn Hill


Illustration I, 12:30 - 3:10, Nathan Walker
Concepts in Science, 4:55 - 6:10, Nicole Cave-Luongo
Acrylic Painting Workshop, 6:30 - 9:10, Mark Hoffman

Life Drawing II, 8:30 - 11:10, Tim Harney
Painting II: Nature Abstraction, 12:30 - 3:10, Thorpe Feldt
Art Since 1945, 3:30 - 4:45, Shawn Hill

Illustration I, 12:30 - 3:10, Nathan Walker
Concepts in Science, 4:55 - 6:10, Nicole Cave-Luongo

Aaand nothing on Friday. :D

Debating whether I should do 18 credits next semester (probably the creative writing class, since I'm not going to take a painting class). It's tempting.

school, schedule

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