(no subject)

May 21, 2008 09:43

Since I've gotten back, I've restarted Emerald (yay Swampert/Slaking/Breloom super team?) and gotten a bit more than halfway through with cleaning all my stuff up. Kev came down with pancreaitis, which means he's on Percosec and is infinitely loopy and out of it because of it. When he isn't whining about how he can't eat Colleen's peanut butter bars or go out on his motorcycle. Needless to say, taunting is very fun. :D

Last night was a massive PS2/Peanut Butter bar/pokemon party. :D I stuck the big TV on my desk, so now we all just pile on my bed (which is overtaken by pillows; very comfy but kinda overwhelming) and chill. Also, totally got Colleen hooked on Persona 3 and corrupted her to Akihiko/Mitsuru fangirling. shhh.

Some of the stores and galleries in the art section of Haverhill Downtown looked interested in hiring me (I suppose telling them you're an art student on break helps). Then again, I'm willing to take almost anything.

Biking today~ and keeping the dogs out from under the porch. D:

job hunt, summer, rambling, fangirling

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