"Goo-guh nnnngyyyyerrrghhhh guh!" "...Why am I friends with you?"

Apr 16, 2008 19:49

Today has been oddly productive. Wasn't able to get any sleep, so I headed over for the Hardie building at around 6:50 after hearing three different alarms go off and no one head over for housing. Was first in line-- HO SHIT FIRST, BIIIITCHEEES! *cough* -- and basically chilled for a few minutes until the security guard re-opened the building after his rounds and Corinne, Nikki, and Eleanor came over. More chatting, then Emilee and Erin showed up in their pjs, much violent love and joking and pitying over sicklyness was to be had, I lost my cheeseits, and Corinne refuses to listen to the New Pornographers (based solely on the name of the band, that prude).

Early morning registration lines make for fun conversations. English was a continuation of our "flash fiction" segment, and we basically wrote 100-word drabbles all day. I need to print them out, anyways, so they might be on ramblingparadox sometime by the end of the weekend.

Also, in art history, I learned that the Futurists were too fucking cool for arms. This term also constantly makes me laugh - do forgive me if I turn it into a completely inappropriate tag for my own amusement.

In 3D, wood carving/whittling is actually quite zen-like, even when I do gash my hand a couple times with the gouges. :D;;

House meeting was productive, and besides the energy-saving bulbs Laura proposed, there's also a proposal for a full-out recycling program here, where the money gained from the can turn-in will go to www.kiva.org

Saw "The Rape of Europa" at the Cabot street cinema with Laura, Jenna, and Chris. It was actually very, very, interesting, for a documentary on the various art damages/looting/restoration for WWII. Definitely a subject I wouldn't mind checking out on my own free time.

too fucking cool for arms, school, crack, green living, my learnings, buddies

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