Had a good day; went with my mom, Nicole, and Colleen for a two-hour hike around Kenoza lake. Jake loves playing on ice. The only problem? He loves to drag the person on the end of his leash onto ice too thin to support their weight. ...yeah. Lake water in December, I have found, is very freaking cold. >.<
In any case, I was reading a new manga my sis got for Christmas, Yonen Buzz, and something about one of the characters struck me as kinda odd.
Alright, one of the main characters, Imai Jun. Guitarist and vocalist for his little Indie-Rock band that the manga centers around. ....And he's emo. Kinda. Enough to make me roll my eyes and say "Okay, I get it you have a big brother complex with this other random guy, but stop sulking around in the cold rain already, we've had about twelve pages of that". Really, I'm not joking; he sits in the rain and mopes. No freaking WONDER he gets sick. Duh. But, I digress. Back to the uncanniness:
In case you're wondering, kid with the ponytail? That's him. Look familiar at all? You know, like from Shades?
(sorry if this pic is a little cruddy; was having fun practicing lineart with the new tablet. >.>)
Yeah. It amuses me, so much. I'm sorry. XD;;
Now, back to your reguarly programmed internets~