Nov 26, 2006 08:52
Sooo... re-reading old ficcage. Aaand I miss Cumulus Academy - I know it started out as a YYH fic, and the first part was made of sheer suck, but it's really evolved into it's own thing. Because, omg, teacher interaction, and the Trap Pit of Doom! for problem students in Suzuki's class, and mutated water rats, and the Laird was just awesome in all his necromancer-ness, and snarky black cat familiars, and...and zombies...! Much love for zombies. Who needs a bishie-villain of twenty levels of HAWT when you have a godforsaken zombie?
...Actually, I bet I could edit it a bit, and use it as my lit project instead. I was thinking about turning it into an original series anyways. >> And I pretty much have a chapter with all OCs in it, anywho, that I can bring in. It'd be easier, since I already have the entire thing plotted out and half-written...
...This is what planning cowrites with Kia does to me. D: I go from Pretear to the Pretty Sailor Anbu Scouts to dead stuff.
... *still drawing Shades!Anbu is sailor scout outfits, once she gets time* >.> HAY, KI! ...Should Ryuu's magical staff filled with the power of LOVE and HARMONY be gold and red, or red and white? :DDDD Aaand what about a little heart bleeding from sheer angst on the top?
cumulus academy,