...yeah. I want an officially licensed Storm Trooper Mr. PotatoHead. I think I must have the oddest christmas list ever. o o;;
*determined to hunt down a good Gaara rper*
Probably gonna scan in that pic I painted later on tonight. Should talk to the Verrettes, our neighbors, seeing as Robin Verrette is an art teacher, and it'd be nice to get a pre-portfolio check before the ninth. That way, I have time to fix stuff up before the Monterrat meeting.
Amelia, I love you for showing me
AIB. Love love love love. <3 I think my mom's working for a state college might also snag me a discount or grant, too, if I go to a branch of Leslie University. But, chicka, is there any chance you could email me some examples of what was in your portfolio, so I know what they're looking for? Oh, and Brett, any examples from your stuff, you dork?
...I am not paranoid. Of course not.
Florence University of Art study abroad program, omfg. <3<3<3<3