Nov 14, 2006 22:42
I love Corinne. I wonder how the hell she deals with me, but I love her anyways~
igurustim netih (9:26:20 PM): o_O
igurustim netih (9:26:25 PM): eh?
igurustim netih (9:26:26 PM): what?
igurustim netih (9:26:27 PM): xD
KawaiiKitsuneCub (9:26:38 PM): your little jiggling/vibrating doohickeymabob!
KawaiiKitsuneCub (9:26:43 PM): I need to borrow it! please?
igurustim netih (9:27:15): ...
KawaiiKitsuneCub (9:28:10 PM): ....the one I got you for christmas, because it had spaz attacks like you.
igurustim netih (9:28:20 PM): OH
igurustim netih (9:28:22 PM): that thing
igurustim netih (9:28:24 PM): xDDD
igurustim netih (9:28:25 PM): what about it?
KawaiiKitsuneCub (9:28:51 PM): can I borrow it for sketching?
KawaiiKitsuneCub (9:28:59 PM): ...WHAT THING DID YOU THINK I MEANT?
igurustim netih (9:29:09 PM): i dont know XDDDD
For the record, I need to borrow her wind-up toy. Jesus! ...some people's minds are just in the gutter. Good lord. x.x