Cub's Amazing Mental Ability ...
You can terrify children - but you can never stop
(Remember ... with great power comes great responsibility!)
'What is your Amazing Mental Ability?' at ...*snerk*
Sooo... Colleen fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle. Again. >.o
Had to groom a black lab today; Ripley, Mr. White's dog. Actually grooming her is quick - thirty minutes, tops. But because she won't shut up when you put her back in the kennel? I was stuck walking her. For an hour and a half straight. And Jake's being a brat, too.
I wanna go to bed already, but I gotta work on my portfolio. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH. I figure I can get at least both self-portraits done tonight, scan in and fiddle around with that nifty sketch I did (done in aobut ten minutes in class today, and I am absurdly proud of it. Will post in a scan, tomorrow), aaand.... maybe draw more stuff. Or, I dunno, skip online later on tonight. x.x