I am SO glad I'm not in Salem right now. On one hand, the partying must be pretty awesome, as it usually is. On the other... I don't wanna have to take two hours just to drive in when it's usually only a thirty-minute ride. Ew. Good luck to Corinne, though; hope she gets some nice pics and doesn't get too beat up.
Nuuuke~ I got you some late b-day presents/crack doodles!
Yes, I'm well aware it's very doodle-y, but, dude, you know it'd happen. >D And, uh, not being able to see Mine or Makkura from the waist down? Totally a choice of artistic style and not laziness, noooo...
Awww.. he's so cute once he's been surgically removed.
Also, Sna, those pages are being wonky and I'm in the process of fiddling around with panel layout so my brain doesn't implode.