'What will your obituary say?' at
QuizGalaxy.com XDDD
Went on a field trip today. Genocide awareness month, so we basically skipped out the first three hours of the school day to go to Peabody high and listen to survivors from Cambodia and Rwanda. We also stopped by Dunkie's on the way home, bought drinks and stuff, and then wasted a good hour of physics sitting around the caf, picking at the leftover tacos from lunch, and mowing down on munchkins. Was wicked tired, though, and fell asleep on the bus ride home.
Gotta love us, though -- ToniAnn, Tara, Angela, Franli, & co. get in the first van, get all comfy in the back, are looking at us all happily like: "Who wants to sit with us? :DDDD" and everyone else is just... staring. And then Benos tells us the other van is unlocked and we all run over there, instead of getting in with the gossip!crew.
Am currently messing around with document formatting, because it won't post to lj right. *drop-kicks microsoft word and notepad*
Oh, still taking drabble/doodle requests to amuse myself for tommorrow.