I spent several hours painting this weekend, but it turned out blegh. I'm back to square one on the illo of the girl and herons and bones because I screwed up the background. It's always the background on these traditional pieces. So no art to show today like I'd hoped.
As a further setback, my lightbox died. Totally kaput. I hoped it was just a burned out lamp, but unless the new bulb I bought is a dud, it's completely given up the ghost. So now my traditional projects are on hold until I get some paychecks in and can buy a new one. I think I'm going to go a little more spendy and get a decent one this time (not to knock the cheapass one I had before - it did last about 15 years and I'm planning to get the same brand)
I've got my eye on this one:
http://www.amazon.com/LightPad-A930-9x12-Light-Box/dp/B003N45KRS In the meantime, I hunted down a piece from last year that I can work on digitally!
Stupid paints.