Just a moment in my night...

Oct 01, 2004 00:45

Tonight Moya and I drove down Brea Canyon on our way home from school. When you enter from the south side you are greeted by looming oil rigs like you see in cowboy movies. The moon was floating over the top of the hills, looking down at me with a certain heaviness to it.

Moya put on the epicene voice of Frou Frou and I got caught in the red hue of the moon. I couldn’t help but wonder what the moon must have meant to people before we realized that it’s a rock orbiting our planet… before we realized we were on a rock… before we realized we weren’t the center of the universe. To see the large glowing object float over us, constantly following us, constantly watching us. No wonder we thought it was a god. Same goes with the sun.

Trying to put myself in that reality is so.. foreign, but it did exist at one time.

There was a time when we… well, we didn’t really think about time the way we do today. We didn’t worry about car insurance or cancer. We lived in a completely different reality where everything was alive. We explained the unexplainable with supernatural reasoning instead of with science. Our moon, sun, and planets were gods who got angry and punished us. They gave inanimate objects life.

Tonight I saw the moon looking at me and I felt very small.
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