Title: Wrapped
Author: Hieiko
Series: Original
Characters: unnamed girl, unnamed boy
Notes: Written for the
31_days May 14 theme, "the finely detailed insanity you've come to expect".
Summary: Every girl has her own way of dealing with things.
When the girl stepped away from him, her face showed no sign that anything unusual had happened. Her heartbeat remained at a normal, steady pace; her smile was no wider than usual. And when he left, quick as the breeze, she felt no regret. After all, none of it was real.
Except that it had been real. There were even witnesses, though she sometimes wondered if those witnesses weren't also figments of her imagination. After all, one could go very far when imagining things. But, real or imagined, that moment with him gave her heart a jolt every time she thought of it. She knew, though, that it was special only to her. So whenever the memory of that moment came, she gathered her feelings and curled them into a ball, then wrapped them in something like paper. More and more paper she continued to wrap around the ball, even as some of the feelings still managed to escape occasionally. She knew that eventually it would gain weight, until it became a rock that she had to drag around with her.
But there was always another way of looking at things. Maybe one day he'd be around, and there'd be no need for all those layers of wrapping.
Or maybe she'd learn to let go. She could throw the ball as far and high as she could, watch it unravel on its own, and feel free.