(no subject)

Oct 21, 2009 18:10

Today has been a pretty good day overall. However, I'm not going to be sleeping tonight in hopes of getting my Creative Perspective homework done that NO ONE PREPARED US FOR and if it weren't for my class, half of the other class wouldn't have even known that it was due. Casey Wise, you are an evil Colorado park ranger in disguise!

Anyway, when Erik was critiquing my awful mess of The Death of Marat, he told me that I'm averaging a B in his class. This is good because every week I go in, I feel like he's going to turn around and be like, "YOU SUCK! YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF MY ART CENTRE DEGREE AND 20+ YEARS AS ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL ILLUSTRATORS IN THE WORLD! MY BFFS AT DISNEY AND PIXAR WERE BETTER THAN YOU WHEN THEY WERE 10-YEARS-OLD! BEGONE!" But he has yet to do that, and he made copies of my sketchbook to put up in the hallway for the display he's making. So...I think I'm on good standing with him.

I also got significantly farther on my in-class painting than I have in past weeks, and it has come out pretty good. It's not finished or anything, but it looks good.

Oh, and the best news of all:

At around 1:30ish, Hot Topic called me. I figured they were asking if I could come in and work tonight, but Josh just left me a message of, "Hey, call me back when you get out of class." So during the next break, I went and called him back. He essentially told me that they were offering up a temporary key holder position for the holiday, which essentially means that I get a key to the store and am temporary management. How fucking cool is that? He let me know that they were going to offer it to a few other people, and I needed to pass a background and credit check, but he was pretty confident about it.

Aside from having a key to the store, it's a temporary $0.50 raise, which, I don't know about the rest of you, but $0.50 adds up, and I can't stress how much I actually need the money right now. Also, this weekend I'm getting my yearly review, which from what I understand, is a $0.25 raise. I've been waiting for this review for a long time now, which I THINK will go well since I've been employee of the month three times this year and am in the running to be this temporary key holder. So uh...yeah.

Just wanted to geek about those things. Now off to spend the entire night working on my assignment for Casey's class.
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