*raises hand* That's right, c'est moi!! ^_____^;;;
Gah. Haven't written in this thing for soooooo long. I've almost forgotten what we're supposed to be doing here. That's right, writing journal entries, channeling thoughts... uhhh, you know that kind of stuff. I've not been keeping up to well with that ne? Though I told myself I really ought to, cause you know keeping stuff all bottled inside is never good, but I can never seem to find the time to actually sit down and express my thoughts pen to paper uhhh, thoughts to text, and by the time I do, the moment's passed. Oh well, story of my life it seems - all these moments passing me by. But I just wanted to let anyone know (if you cared - or not!) that I'm not that dead, so I'll try once more to keep up with this journal. Blah. ^______^
By the way, I just wanted to say, that in regards to Naruto: I like Tobi, (I adore
infinitefirefly's characterization of Tobi as a hapless but loveable good-boy goof to death!!) but if I see one more spoiler that indicates that the Tobito Theory is true.... I'll have to... shoot someone. Yes, it makes for an interesting ploy. Yes, it makes for an enormous angst factor on the Kakashi front.
But seriously?
It would really make me question some of Kishimoto's credibility. And I mean I've taken in a lot of the other stuff that's been happening with a huge grain of salt. I didn't complain about the Shikamaru thing, I didn't get all bothered by the Orochimaru thing. I actually thought the ninja-kitties thing was kind of wtf!!!cute. The Orochi-buto was a bit hard to swallow but I managed and still kept the Naruto love intact. And the whole Karin is a red-haired non-slut!Slut!non-slut! thing made smile a little (Kishimoto does love those pararllels ne? I had a feeling deep down inside he do that though. I mean come on, red to Sakura's red dress thing? Totally makes sense, I'm just surprised he didn't make Karin's top that Sakura Blossom Pink colour!!) But making the Tobito thing canon-fodder (what a horrible pun ne? haha, I R so evil/smart/funny/dummy ne?) just makes me cringe. Blurgh.
Anywho, Hi everyone!! I've gotten into some new fandoms and manga loves, so expect some (somewhat) entries/summaries on that, namely: Darker then Black (sadly licensed - boooooo!!) Devil may Cry anime, Claymore and yes, yes beat me now Shoujo Manga (PGE, Goong, and various other titles) but I do also have some Shonen/Seinen manga (Claymore, Ga-rei, Dogs, Hitomi no Catoblepas and some older but definitely goody titles too!) to counteract that!
ps. wtf! There's a cap limit on the amount of character's in a Journal Title entry? (There should of been a "whining" added to the end of Journal title up above - poo!)
pps. I'm soooooooooo sorry to anyone passing by because of the
claymore_girls comm inactivity. I promise I'll try to set that thing up soon! Gomen!!!! Forgive stupid me!! ^_______^;;;;