We made an offer on the house we liked - $190K from an asking price of 194.5K. They accepted! Now of course we need to slog through attourney review and then inspections to make sure things are up to snuff, but we're on the road to somewhere!
In near-future news, on September 9th I will be going with my pal Jenn to see Muse at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. We're making a bit of a day of it - I actually need to get down there in the earlyish afternoon to sell my accidentally-purchased GA tickets (I jumped on the fansite-members-only presale, which for some reason did not have seats for sale, only realizing later that I really DID need seats for the two of us), and I'm planning an afternoon out doing some shopping and hopefully hitting up
Yakitori Boy for a 5PM dinner before rushing over to the WFC for the 7PM concert - the drive is only supposed to be 10-15 minutes, so as long as we're on our way by 6ish I feel like we'll be alright to park and get in. Come to think of it, I need to review how the heck I'm supposed to be getting our seated tickets - the GA are will-call, so I have to be there to get them, but the I can't remember the procedure to get our seated tickets...
Also, we have firm dates for when the offices will be moving to NJ. The last week of September, the labs will be packed up and shipped north for storage/setup. On October 10th, the Delaware networks will be moved (we actually have servers here!) and the offices will be close. It looks like they've found us some cubicles in the Bridgewater offices to house us temporarily while the build is being completed. I guess that's a good thing, but it does seem sort of sudden. It's good that we found something we liked house-wise on the first go-around, because if we'd been waiting for listings to open up in September we'd probably be left either with me commuting 2+ hours each way every day I went to NJ, or in temporary housing of some sort in NJ until the end of November. Oof. If we're fortunate, I will only have to wrangle the super-long commute for 2-3 weeks. I'm hoping I can negotiate reimbursement for the $11-a-day tolls (roundtrip) and perhaps a work-from-home day one day a week (if I can get IT to help me get my remote access working properly!). The work-from-home business should hopefully be an easy sell to my manager(s), since we will probably not even have functional lab space to work in, so whether I'm in a cubicle in Bridgewater or in the guestroom at home, I'm just going to be stuck to a laptop most of the time without much else to do.
And in other news - around the time the Delaware office is shutting down, I will be going to Las Vegas for the International Baking Industry Expo! I've never been to Vegas - it's a place I've meant to visit to say I've been there, but not a burning need by any stretch. But, now I will get to spend a few days there as I pimp out some sugar-reduced cupcakes with sugar-reduced raspberry frosting, and extol the virtues of polyols and high-potency sweeteners in baking applications! Woo. I'm kind of excited but mostly because I want to try some cool places to eat. I will have to do some research.