What to say, what to say!

Apr 17, 2006 14:31

Uni’s on holiday for the week, thanks to the Easter holiday. As always, I have a crap load of homework/reading that I could/should be doing and will probably not get to, and will regret not getting to come swotvac/exam/essay-hand-in time.

But, since Wednesday, a few things have happened, and since this is my LJ, I’d like to get up to date. :)

Thursday: Uni. Essay-writing. Met Cassie and Trina in the city for dinner, followed by Tripod show goodness. A lot of fun, especially because we got awesome seats near the front. I announced my desire to heckle the band, but talked out of it by Cassie. Only to… um… call out a comment while the band was having a discussion on stage. In my defence, I was defending a new father in the group. It was actually pretty funny - the girls later told me that they were (a) surprised, (b) shocked, or (c) embarrassed by my abovementioned calling out. But, I can’t change it now. I had a good night, really enjoyed the show, and desperately wanted to take my little bro to see them. Except I don’t think he’s quite old enough. I think I’ll get him the DVD sooner or later though… maybe as his birthday pressie in a few months. They sang a lot of new songs, and finished off with the song I know as “The X-box Song,” which was as funny as it was the first time I heard it. The weirdest thing about the show was the way Scod kept looking into the audience, right toward the section of audience my friends and I were sitting in. Having been on a stage myself in the past, I know this is probably because when all the lights on you are flaring your vision, looking to the seats to the sides is a way of looking at the audience without blinding yourself permanently. But still, it was a very strange feeling to be continually looked at throughout the show.

Friday: Slept in, hung out, did very very little. Read, watched some Halifax f.p., which is pretty funny because each episode has at least one or two actors I recognise, many of them have gone onto bigger things, some have stayed in the Aussie ‘indie’ scene. Have to admit that Ben Mendelsohn has probably been one of my favourites so far. Tried to ignore strange compulsion to eat red meat, cooked noodles for lunch. Went for a long walk around the park. Rang my friend Jacqui, went around to her house, chatted for awhile, then decided to go see V for Vendetta (Review to come, I hope!). Got home about 1am.

Saturday: My parents and little bro arrived in town yesterday afternoon. Met them at the supermarket and we did a shop-up. Came home and helped Mum cook dinner, which ended up pretty fabulous: a great chilli Spaghetti with prawns.

Sunday (The Big Day): My big sister did her first Olympic-length triathlon in Geelong in the morning and my whole family turned out to support her. Jav drove all the way down in the morning, arriving about 20 minutes before Jel passed the finish line. She looked fantastic, and she was so thrilled to have finally done it. We went and had lunch (well, breakfast-lunch), then drove back to Melbourne. Best part about being driven around by your parents? The opportunity to fall asleep in the backseat ;) Woke up when we got back, assisted a bit with dinner preparation, mucked around with my little bro… and introduced him to Trogdor, who I was only recently introduced to myself (thanks to Jacqui and Andy) after a discussion with Tim and Brian at Pheobe’s birthday party. Jax loves Trogdor too: he won’t stop looking at me seriously for a little while, then mock rock-yelling “Trogdor!!!!!!” at me. We’re also big fans of Strong Bad and the “Scrolling Buttons” ditty he “sings” when you go to the ‘Strong Bad emails’ section of the website. It just keeps cracking us up. I think he’d have it as his start-up sound, if he could.

Monday: Parents and brothers have just gone home. I want to go for another huge walk - maybe around the Tan this time? - and get some work done on my essays and readings. And grammar, musn’t forget grammar. Grammar. Is. Important!!!!! (Japanese Grammar, that is. Damn it’s rough!)

I have no idea if kendo is on today... can't find any mention on the website or on emails. (Didn't help that I didn't go last week, I guess). I'm assuming that because of the long weekend, it's not going to be on (thus, the walk), although I'm pretty willing to put down five dollars saying that I'll turn up on Wednesday (it *is* on on Wednesday, right, fellow kenshi???) and they'll say, "where were you on Monday?" Oh well... what can you do?

Hope everyone who celebrates it has had a good easter, or at least a nice long weekend. Til Later ~~~

tripod, achievements, family, trogdor, easter, uni, comedy, homework, holidays, friends

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