"Better Be Home Soon"

Jul 28, 2009 22:28

I was here in the apaato cleaning and packing today and got a phone call from my Mum at 1pm. We had a good chat (Mum also told me that (yay!) I have a place to stay in Melbourne when I get home), but there was a weird moment when we realised that almost a week to the hour, I'll be home. Not bad weird, just one of those moments when you pause and have a split-second of clarity and awareness, of where you are and what you're doing.

Speaking of my apartment... it's come a long way in the last few days! I still have a lot of the fine cleaning to do, and I have a heap of rubbish to get rid of (but I have to wait for Thursday and Friday, my burnable and plastics days respectively - made even more difficult by the fact that I have my apartment check on Thursday afternoon and am staying with my neighbour Ez on Thursday and Friday nights before we head to Tokyo for the weekend. I bit the bullet and signed up for a stand-up workshop at Temple University in Tokyo on Saturday, but after that we're planning to check out a museum or two and visit the Israeli restaurant I took mcalex22 to when she visited. It should be a great way to cap off the year - and quite the bookend, considering that my first few days in Japan last year were spent in Tokyo as well.

I'll be home next Tuesday. Somehow, I know it's going to seem unreal right up until the moment I meet my parents at the airport... and then Japan will start to feel like the dream.

travel, japan, apartment, going home

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