A Little Bird, A Bell and Me

May 30, 2009 15:50

A Little Bird, A Bell and Me
Misuzu Kaneko

Even if I stretch my arms wide open,
I won't be able to fly freely as a little bird.
Though a little bird can fly,
It can't run as fast as me on the ground.
Even if I shake my body,
I won't be able to make beautiful sound like a bell.
A bell can make beautiful sound but,
it doesn't know as many songs as I do.
A bell, a little bird, and I,
We are all different but it's good to be different.

-- This was on the cover of a booklet we were given when we went to a local primary school to observe three different English classes. It struck me, because I wouldn't say it is especially descriptive of the school system here. It also reminded me so much of being back at uni doing my Dip.Ed. and being in classes that encouraged us to work with every child individually; and being so frazzled and depressed at the time... mostly because while I agree with the concept completely in theory, I think it is incredibly difficult to undertake in a mass education system.


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