Current mood:
Oh joy of joys! I am preparing to embark upon a most welcome vacation ^_^
This will be my first day off in.... er... lets not count. I may get depressed >,<
Nothing can rain on my parade today! Mwahahahaha! oh wait... that was the evil laugh... *giggles* there. that's better. as i've been working nonstop at work (what a concept eh?) i've had no actual time to prepare and have not yet gone to bed and am STILL not finished getting ready. maybe it would get done if the frickin dryer actually... i don't know... dried? i've been workin on laundry since 1am and still am not done! eh... well this is all beside the point. I just felt like posting something.
oh yeah! almost forgot. anyone that actually has my contact info... please don't be offended if i don't answer. i have four message programs open almost 24/7 but that doesn't mean i'm there. i work alot. if i get a mssg and am not there, i promise i'll write back asap. please remember that i'm not ignoring you - i'm just not available at that time.
i'll return to the net in five days ~_^ hope you all have a wonderful week/weekend!