Есть несколько очень информативных сайтов, которые показывают статистику досрочного голосования в США или в отдельных штатах. По США основной сайт
https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/ на который я уже давал ссылку. Он говорит, что в выборах приняли участие уже более 25 миллионов избирателей. Но на самом деле больше, так как он
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Хьюстон жгет.
Unprecedented: pic.twitter.com/zaLAgfvc0h
- Aziz Gilani (@TexasVC) October 17, 2020
При более активном голосовании техасские города (и пригороды) могли бы перевесить деревню https://kireev.livejournal.com/1357368.html?thread=34088248#t34088248
Но надежда на это маленькая - 538 даёт Байдену в Техасе 31% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/texas/
Большая интрига, как всегда, во Флориде. Демографические изменения на стороне демократов, но благодаря тому, что республиканцы не боялись ходить по домам во время пандемии, им удалось в последние дни зарегистрировать больше избирателей https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1241674
So a few takeaways:
1) Yes, FL Rs made inroads b/c Trump-voting registered Ds have formally switched to R *and* Rs have out-hustled Ds this year on new registrations
2) But FL's electorate has also gotten 2.7% less white since '16, and many young/non-whites registering as NPA
- Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) October 16, 2020
538 даёт Байдену во Флориде 71% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/florida/
В 2019 под давлением губернатора ДеСантиса они расстались с ветераном флоридской политтехнологии Сузи Уайлс https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/64226.html
Но этим летом в панике вернули ее обратно.
DeSantis' power play to oust Wiles in September 2019 shocked Republican insiders given the crucial role Wiles played in helping his come-from-behind victory for governor in 2018. She also helped deliver the surprise wins of both Trump in 2016 and Sen. Rick Scott when he ran for governor in 2010 and was expected to lose.
As Florida began to slip away from the president, advisers urged him to consider rehiring Wiles, a sentiment that was echoed at two meetings with the president at the White House, according to three people briefed on the meetings.
In a call from the Oval Office to DeSantis, Trump brought up bringing back Wiles but “Ron lost his s---,” said one Trump adviser, echoing an account from a DeSantis ally who said “the governor was pissed.”
DeSantis told Trump he shouldn't be concerned about Florida. That sentiment, Trump and DeSantis advisers say, was shared by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, who speaks frequently with the governor and is believed to be positioning himself to run DeSantis’s 2022 reelection campaign.
Wiles was fired from the Trump campaign last year after DeSantis suspected she bore responsibility - unfairly her friends say - for the leak of internal correspondence suggesting that the new governor appeared to be selling access to special interests on golfing trips.
Wiles also was pressured at the time to part ways with Ballard Partners, a top lobbying firm led by Brian Ballard, who used to lobby for Trump and is a top fundraiser in Florida.
Trump says he’ll blame governor if he loses Florida: ‘I’ll fire him, somehow’ - https://t.co/xbGyJBRt3U
- Stuart Lambert (@BdaSpiritWalker) October 17, 2020
На выборах 2018 в Техасе козырем Теда Круза стало использование технологии AI нанятой им компанией WPAi.
In Texas, Beto O’Rourke’s campaign was trying a new app called Polis. But it was competing with Ted Cruz’s mature digital and field operations, run by Chris Wilson and WPAi in coordination with uCampaign and Cambridge Analytica. <...> ... in the Senate, the Republicans expanded their majority of fifty-one seats to fifty-three, versus the Democrats’ forty-five and two independents. Democrat Claire McCaskill went down in defeat in Missouri, as did Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota. Republican Rick Scott won a razor-thin victory over Bill Nelson in Florida. Chris Wilson claimed some credit, reporting: “For the fifth consecutive cycle, WPAi clients outperformed the partisan average in both their primary and general election contests by double digits.”
"Using a machine learning algorithm, WPAi’s data science team accurately modeled and predicted turnout in a high-profile Congressional election."
Ныне он, естественно, жалуется на то, что Big Tech обижает республиканцев https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=5424
Раздуть пустышку про Хантера Байдена на всех избирателей не удастся, но что касается базы Трампа, то ей прожужжали все уши.
Лишь бы не говорить про другие темы - такие, как третья волна эпидемии.
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