Apr 18, 2002 12:40
what's going on? nothing much here, I am chilln' in English class with Hails, Kails, laura w, and em. It's fun man! Anyways, me and Hails got done talking about shit, as in what's going on with us, and our problems....well as far as I remember that's what we were talking about. -haha- umm so yeah i guess Haily and Jake are married, and that damn bitch had the nerve to finally tell me...seriously I am so pissed at her! because at first I thought they were joking around, but today she just brought in their marridge lisence and proved it to me, and to make it even better, she has a baby on the way due in 6 months. I AM SO DISAPOINTED in her, and for jake NOT keeping his snake in his pants.
Ok now that, that is out...i will go on with my happy little gay life! as we all know, it is "the big weekend" and so far I am not sure what I am doing, all i know is that i have to work tomorrow night, and then saturday I have to move my new furnature in my room and have fun! yeah all the way...but then later that night i guess jessie want's to hang out...no(the no was from haily, yeah you know the haily...the one that is pregnut with the snakes baby) -haha- but yeah were planning on hanging out, probably smoking it up? I DON'T know...i don't really care what I do as long as i am away and out doing something! Okay well that about sum's everything up, i gota go and slap that BITCH...the one that is going behind my back and being a fucking dumb ass and telling everyone that I am telling people that me and Adam are having sex...which i am not! and that's fucking immature, she is so stupid and i wishes she dies. I have never liked her from the frist time i met her! SERIOUSLY! :) She has no right for being gay and lieing and shit like that, and saying that I am ugly fat and so on, which yeah i know is ture but i don't need to hear it! LITERALLY she is a fucking dumb ass! I HATE HER. and my next journal is going to be all about her. OK! ta' ta' for now:
luv and hate always,
ps eveyone DL vanessa carlaton's://: Twligh