Feb 08, 2006 00:40
Well, the apartment complex is still picked out an all, however, JG won't be living with us anymore, : (. Chica, call me and let me know whats up, I wanna make sure youre ok.
Lance is numero tres for the roomie scene. So now it is two guys, a girl, and her pizza pockets. Should be a good time, hahaha.
24 days left till HAWAII!!!! : D : D : D
Hummer is insanely happy, its about time, : ). We miss him but knowin he is rockin the islands makes us happy. Jen sounds awesome, and offered me her place of residence if I were annoyed by the diabetic, hahaha.
As for me, Valentine's Day is comin up, and I cannot wait! I have a really cool gift that I am giving Michael that has taken some time to come up with. Plus I have been really wanting to cook for him a lot lately, haha. Don't know why. He isn't complaining, : ). Sucks that its on a Tuesday though. Shucks.
Snowboarding friday? I think so.
I want to see Waiting now, after Lance told me of one certain scene.
Tonight was a night of penis talking, hahaha, ive been in tears and my abs are growing from chaotic laughter.
A long Tech visit is in order after spring break. I think Michael is going to Texas for his break and so I am gonna try to stay a nice loooooong weekend. : D JG, get ready for dem booby shakes man, you know......
CATS PEOPLE! ATTENTION! I saw the special on TV and you all are lookin great! Im comin opening night with Michael, his rents and mine, and though I know that opening night isnt always the best, I'm just too damn excited.
Another note from high school.....I am attending another prom. I got my dress a few weeks ago, and its funny cause its more beautiful than all my other dresses, and cheaper, and this isnt even going to be my prom!
My workout is goin well, losin pounds, gettin a base tan, its lookin good.
All in all, Life is fantabulous.
However, my heart and prayers go out to you Jonah. I love you and your family. J2K always friend. <3 You are the same as a blood brother to me, so no neeggas better not be messin with my Jones. I need his ass next year for TECH TECH TECH! : )
Have I left anything out?........I can't think of anything more at the moment.
OH! Poff wants to take me rock climbing which should be fun as hell, but he has to come on the slopes with me and michael for the deal to be set.
That is all.