
Jan 31, 2009 20:48

Please excuse me, it's be about 5 to 6 hours but, but.....

ASDFGHJKL?!?!? I...I...I have a job!? ME? The person who failed at a mock interview so bad that I got 11th place out of 10 competitors? This....I can't believe it. I can't believe that after screwing up the first interview with that man, I got a second chance with the woman in charge and...she hired me? She somewhat liked me enough to hire me, to work as retail/merchandise seller at...an amusement park? What is this world coming to? XD;;;

So the first job that I ever get on my own, which Im still not sure if I might get to keep because of my grandmother, is at Six Flags, an amusement park. A job I applied to on a whim because I saw a sign at my school, because I heard it on the radio, because I thought that they would have to be crazy to hire me. Not only that but I could never imagine myself working there. I guess life is funny that way XD

Anyways, Meme time again~

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...

I asked to be intervied by erinilliana  Erinillinaand here's what she asked me:

01. Do you prefer art or literature? If both, what makes them rank the same?

I like both a lot, but I would say that I prefer literature more. I appreciate art and I like to draw/paint, but I'm addicted to reading. Sure most of it is manga and fanfiction, but whenever I read something in the literature section, 9 times out of 10, I've enjoyed the book. In fact, I have a list of books that I want to read but just don't have the time D:

02. Do you take interest in folklore/mythology/etc.? If so, what is your favorite tale?

XD I'm a sucker for folklore and mythology, so I can't really name a favorite. What I do know is that I wish I could read some more greek mythology. I think I've only read a very few of those and they're interesting~.

03. Of the 1026 songs you have, how many would you guess you listen to on a daily basis?

Ahaha good question~
Hmm...I think I listen to at least 30 out of those 1026 songs XDDDD;

04. What is your favorite holiday? Least favorite? Why?

Christmas~ Well, more like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love going shopping and it's the best excuse to do so XD. It's also the best excuse to sing christmas carols, and have fun setting up liiights, and setting up a tree in your house and that pine smell and just that wonderful feeling that I think I'm the only one who gets sometimes hehe.

My least favorite is probably Valentines day >.<;;
I like it, I mean it's nice to celebrate love, but it's the holiday I feel most awkward on for many reasons.

05. What is your stand on horoscopes/zodiacs? Do you find them intriguing, boring, not worth the time, or...?

Horoscopes are interesting. I like looking at mine every now and then, but I don't really believe them. I believe that when people read a horoscope, they want to believe it and so they try to somehow fit those words into their life so that they can say it's true. I think I believe fortune cookies more than horoscopes and the zodiac XDD Oh but I do use horoscopes whenever I create a character of my own for a story >_>

And I'm done for the day. I have a lot of homework and catching up to do at Memento.

omg job, role play, meme

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