another hilarious series of events

Aug 25, 2009 20:42

1) Dr. Who is created like, a billion years ago

2) I don't care

3) Dr. Who is rebooted like, a hundred years ago

4) I don't care

5) Everyone else I know *does*

6) I try to watch 5 consecutive minutes of it...still don't care




1) I got over my "I should see things in order, from the beginning, no matter what" thing by falling in love with the eleventh Star Trek movie, despite never seeing any of the original series cast movies, or more than 3 episodes of the original series.

2) I watched (and fucking adore) Being Human, which taught me that I actually CAN tolerate British television production values and special effects, if the story is really, really goddamn good.


So for future reference, this is the formula people might find useful for pimping us holdouts into Dr. Who fandom:

Benton Fraser:The Middleman::Ray Kowalski:The Ninth Doctor

Theeeee Enddddd.

PS - for the record right now, everything I know about Dr. Who:

- there are bullshit non-scary douchebags called Daleks.  I have no idea why anyone would be afraid of anything that can be bested by a staircase, but, whatever.
- something called Bad Wolf...exists.
- possibly Rose is Bad Wolf/is involved with Bad Wolf/some vid I saw one time made it seem like it's all her fault that the Ninth Doctor dies, whatever Rose.  Whatever.  hoar.
- at some point, on either this show or the All Gay British Sci Fi Variety Hour spin-off, there's a black girl, and people either had a problem with that or had a problem with the idea of people having a problem with that or...I don't know, maybe someone wrote a story where she was a barrista with Ronon Dex?
- there's a movie involving the word "Aztec" and I have ostensibly watched it, but I was really drunk and in Columbus OH and sleep deprived and did I mention drunk?
- there's an episode with the original Doctor that I have also ostensibly watched, but see above for all the reasons I don't remember it.  although I do recall at one point they stand on the edge of a river or something.  I think there's a "no littering" sign.  MY WHAT AMAZING RECALL I HAVE.
- one of the doctors wore celery on his lapel: this automatically makes him my favorite, no questions asked.
- the reason the Fourth doctor's scarf was so long was because they handed the costuming girl a giant bag of yarn and said "make him a scarf" and she thought they meant "make him a scarf using THIS ENTIRE BAG".  so she did.
- the TARDIS is supposed to change into all kinds of other shit, but it's stuck that way...because of...something.
- TARDIS used to be Dimension*s* note-the-plural but I guess the changed it at some point to the singular Dimension.
- The doctor is a Time Lord, which the dumbest thing to call yourself ever when there isn't any fancy hairdo involved.  Example: look at what David Bowie had to do in order to call himself the Goblin King.  I rest my case.
- The companions apparently never put out.  I find this fact totally off-putting, which I guess means I'm not a feminist anymore.


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