Hi, my name is girlcakes, nice to meet you.
- March 3 -
You are kind hearted and very friendly. You love attention, and you are always daydreaming in your own world. People gravitate towards you.
Positive Traits:adaptable, resilient, charismatic, communicative, persuasive
Negative Traits:cynicism, irresponsibility, superficiality, overbearing, promiscuity
'What does your Birthdate mean?' at
QuizGalaxy.com I mean, whatever, internet meme, but HI. HI THERE.
In other news, Bing arrives today, and I'm such a bundle of nerves, I'm getting upset with OTHER PEOPLE AND THINGS in my life, because somehow it's safer to feel like the stress is coming from people I trust or activities I can control rather than, y'know...THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE, is what it boils down to. Once he gets here and I can see what kind of mood he's in, I'll be fine, but in the meantime, it's just this constant prayer to the heavens that he not be super-difficult and (more) childish.